A collection of practical wisdom and embodiment practices to help you embrace the power of your sacred cycles for greater creativity and purpose in life.
Conscious Perimenopause ~ Cycle Syncing ~ Menstrual Cycle Awareness
Ep.13/ Learning to self-nurture
Create inner emotional safety with this nurturing Great Mother womb healing meditation.
Ep.12/ Embracing the Cycle of Renewal
Samhain, pronounced Sow-Winn, marks the culmination of the harvest season before the onset of winter. It's a sacred moment on the Wheel of the Year, inviting us to attune to the natural rhythms of transition.
Ep.11/ Shadow Work After Care 101
Deepen your connection with your subconscious self. Explore how to practice conscious inner shadow journeys in a safe and supportive way.
Ep.10/ Creativity and womb wisdom
Deepen your creative process by syncing with your body's rhythms.
Ep.9/ Embracing tenderness
Practicing self-care and tenderness is an important part of sacred reclamation and healing.
Ep.8/ Encountering the wound of exclusion
Re-member yourself through the power of shadow work during your Inner Autumn and Winter bleed.
Ep.7/ Healing the sister wound through Cycle Positivity
Release comparison and celebrate yourself with this simple embodiment practice.
Ep.6/ The year of sacred play
Embracing uncertainty as part of Sacred Play