Ep.4/ Winter, turtles & hermits
Dropping into winter when life can’t slow down
1 minute read
16/9/22, Day 3, Inner Winter
Nothing feels better in our inner winter than dropping our bundle and turning on our CBF neon sign as we sink into our personal cave.
CBF is the glorious way of owning Can’t Be F#cked which we can embrace in our inner winter 🙏👏🙏
But what happens when we can’t just drop it all AND we have to show up AND keep performing at the speed of someone else’s drum?
Rather than become the mother of all dragons 🐉 or cry buckets of tears 😭 (we have allllll been there!) here are three small ways to give yourself some space to rest into the Both/And.
As a Creative Director of a bustling agency I try to create space each month to stay at home and go with the flow yet it’s not always possible (dang deadlines).
Rather than be overwhelmed these are three ways I give myself space during my winter bleed so I can still rest within the hustle.
honour your 1% what are the tiny ways you can stop and nurture yourself through the busyness of the of the day? Can you deepen into a restful breath? Close your eyes for 3 minutes, hands on womb and be grateful for your letting go through your bleed?
Can you ‘do’ and do thé do a little more slowly? Still do what you have/need to do yet go at a pace more aligned to your state of inner flow? Can you ask those around you to be a bit more gentle/softer with their direct requests? Or ask if they can be slower with their words so you can catch what they need WITHOUT over jangling your mind/womb/heart connection?
What can you do to nourish and thank your body and womb during the moments where you don’t need to rush? Can you have some pre-made nourishing food? Can someone else cook? Can you leave the washing for a few more days and go soak in the shower/bath instead? Go sit outside and let the wind caress your feet whilst you anchor into your flow?
How can you find your flow next time you’ve got to be in the world and within your womb?
With love and light, Cara
Day 3
The above article is written thanks to the powerful work and education on Menstrual Cycle Awareness taught by Alexander Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer at Red School. If you’re curious about working with the power of your Menstrual Cycle you can check out their book Wild Power here, or their podcast.
Written from a place where I am
D3 — Feeling frustrated that life’s request meant I didn’t get to go as slow as I wanted AND grateful that this month taught me to take the little 1%s